Open your Mind

Episode Description

In this great episode, Chris and Nikki explore spirituality and get to a place of power for yourself. Your recovery deserves this, your life deserves this. #unitedhearts

Making hard things less hard. Brain Hacking.

Join us this week as we talk about the secrets to success. This week we talk about the special Addict super power for rationalization and excuses. We put this mind power to good work as we talk about tricks and hacks to make the hard things less harder. 

Episode 32. Pursue Excellence

Chris Avery and Nikki take us on a counter intuitive journey. The real question? What is your trajectory and how can you change it. Stopping focusing on what you do not want and focus on what you do want.

Happy Boxing Day! Get a Coach

We explore the upside of getting a coach. What is the benefit and why we should all consider the idea that two heads are better than one. Especially if one of those heads is an addict..

Check this one out, Listen and Share. What a great way to start off the New Yeat, a little self love and a podcast. #unitedhearts.

Lets Just have FUN!

In this episode we set aside the hard work and the sometimes seemingly endless struggle of recovery to talk about…. why it matters. Finding a way to have fun again. What is fun, where do we find it and by all means how do we make more of it?